SJ Responses

These are the responses, with my answers, to my Shamanic Journeys Blog. I also deal by direct email, too.

Monday, November 15, 2004

I can see lips!

I can see Lips, writes Princess Kimberley on 11/14. I assume she is speaking of the picture at the top of the Blog. What's great about the Cloud People is that they communicate directly to the viewer, so Kimberley's reading is just as valid as anyone else's. She should take care of her lips..

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Nice Shot

I love the cloud texture here. Nice shot.


Thanks, Ariel. That cloud pattern formed in my neighborhood one day. Most amazing lines I've ever seen in a non-storm environment. Shamans know that the "Cloud People", consisting of mainly water, and therefore tied strongly to Emotions and Feminine Power, give messages from the Spirit Camp. Clouds can be like IM messages..instant and usually very temporary symbol-based communications. Western children are taught to look for the Animals and other shapes in Clouds for amusement. Other cultures look to those same shapes for deeper meanings and guidance. I really appreciate your taking time to write. All I did was point and shoot, though. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2004



love, jason mulgrew

internet quasi-celebrity"

Thanks, Jason. Yes indeed. But what most of us call reality is merely the dust atop a whole treasure chest full of Truth that remains hidden, except to those who make these Journeys into the Land of No Time and All Possibilities, or catch glimpses of it in their Dreams. I wish you an upward Spiral of enlightenment of your own.

:) Ken

Sunday, September 19, 2004


9/17/04: I'm grateful for this response from a reader: "a fascinating glimpse into the human mind! woofy woofy woo.."

My answer is: yes, the mind plays the key role in accessing the Spirit Camp beyond our "reality", but these Journeys give glimpses even further beyond the mind and into that other, Spirit portrayed by the images given me by my Guides and Helpers. This is the World we in the West have been kept sheltered from, in order to allow other human structures to control our Spirituality, and thereby our behavior (and thereby, of course, our financial contributions). Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts..